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Announcing the New Persistence Science Interest Group
Christopher B. Hughes, Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Kostas Andreou, Glauco Battagliarin, Pippa Curtis-Jackson, Dieter Hennecke
Development of a high throughput method for screening of readily biodegradable chemicals
Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Adam David Lillicrap, Merete Grung
Nye CLP fareklasser: Hva, hvorfor og hvordan
Aina Charlotte Wennberg
PikMe: A prioritization tool for emerging pollutants
Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Malcolm James Reid, Pawel Rostkowski
Hvordan hindre at kloakken sprer antibiotikaresistens?
Carsten Ulrich Schwermer
Hva er lurv? Er all lurv indikator for dårlig økologisk tilstand?
Eli Rinde, Janne Kim Gitmark, Maia Røst Kile, Siri Røang Moy, Camilla With Fagerli, Trine Bekkby
Practical experiences with nature-based solutions in the Nordics: Summarising insights from eight pilot projects (2022–23)
Line Johanne Barkved, Caroline Enge, Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth, Leonard Sandin
Prioritization and Identification of Emerging Pollutants for National Environmental Screening and Monitoring Programs in Norway
Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Malcolm James Reid, Pawel Rostkowski
Initial Field Evaluation of an On-Water Radiometry Robot for Water Quality and Satellite Validation
Sivert Bakken, Artur Zolich, Kai Sørensen, Sabine Marty, E. Therese Harvey, Stephen Denis Grant
NBS and climate adaptation: outcomes from Norwegian planning
Mina Di Marino, Ingvild Furuset, Gunnhild Storbekkrønning, Caroline Enge
Developing the ocean accounts, focusing on ocean assets, flow to the economy, and flows to the environment compilation
Wenting Chen, Paul Ragnar Berg
Eutrophication versus coastal habitat conservation in the Oslofjord
Wenting Chen, Andre Staalstrøm, Philip Wallhead, Eli Rinde
Relevante kompetanser og mulig bidrag fra NIVA
Wenting Chen, Paul Ragnar Berg
The health condition of Oslofjord
Andre Staalstrøm, Philip Wallhead
Modelling plastic fluxes with INCA-macroplastics in the Imus catchment: impacts of long-term accumulation and extreme events
Francois Clayer, Magnus Dahler Norling, Kathinka Fürst, Rachel Hurley, Glenn Bryan A. Creencia, Daeniel Zarene P. Msojica
Strategy towards producing relevant and reliable data for the hazard assessment of micro- and nanoplastics in agricultural soils
Anita Jemec Kokalj, Gabriela Kalčíková, Salla Selonen, Thijs Bosker, Damjana Drobne, Darina Dvořáková
Bioenergetics of simultaneous oxygen and nitrate respiration and nitric oxide production in a Pseudomonas aeruginosa agar colony biofilm
Paul Stoodley, Nina Toelke, Carsten Schwermer, Dirk de Beer
Not in it for the money: Meaningful relationships sustain voluntary land conservation initiatives in Peru
Rocío López de la Lama, Nathan Bennett, Janette Bulkan, Santiago de la Puente, Kai M. A. Chan
Reduced bioavailability of Au and isotopically enriched 109Ag nanoparticles transformed through a pilot wastewater treatment plant in Hyalella azteca under environmentally relevant exposure scenarios
Sebastian Kühr, Ralf Kaegi, johannes Raths, Brian Sinnet, Marco Kipf, Mark Rehkämper
Vertical transport of microplastics from agricultural mulching films and associated chemical additives in soil ecosystems
Rachel Hurley, Chiara Consolaro, Sam van Loon, Aristeidis S. Tsagkaris, Darina Dvořáková, Lotte de Jeu