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Deliverable 3.7 First implementation and data: North of Svalbard

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Involved from NIVA
Ian Allan
Nicholas Roden
Truls Johannessen, Nicholas Patrick Roden, Are Olsen, Tor De Lange, Harald Sodemann, Alexandra Touzeau, Lars Henrik Smedsrud, Mathilde Bøttger Sørensen, Zeinab Jeddi, Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, Waldemar Walczowski, Luca Nizetto, Ian Allan, Angelica Renner, Thomas Soltwedel, Anja Walte, Andreas Rogge, Frank Nilsen, Peter H. Voss, Christophe Herbaut, Marie-Noelle Houssais, Hanne Sagen


The main goal of Task 3.2 is to deliver in situ ocean and sea ice observations collected during two INTAROS field seasons and to provide recommendations for future implementation of the moored observing system north of Svalbard that can be applied to define a roadmap for observing future changes in the Arctic. The aim is to make comprehensive observations of the ongoing climate and environmental change that can be also applied as a validation tool for conceptual and three-dimensional modelling. This report describes the first implementation and operational use of the observing systems. Data delivery and report on results of the observing systems North Svalbard.