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Oil spill response in the Arctic: Norwegian experiences and future perspectives
Maaike Knol, Peter Arbo
Sustainable development of the Arctic Ocean
Paul Dodd, Agneta Fransson, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Anne Britt Sandø, Maaike Knol-Kauffman, Jack Christopher Landy
Microbiological and chemical properties of Norwegian kefir during storage
Heidi Yvonne Grønnevik, Marit Falstad, Judith Narvhus
Analysis of stakeholder submissions towards the development of a voluntary code of conduct on the sustainable use and management of plastics in agriculture
Rachel Karasik, Cecilie Baann, Dean Howell, Luca Nizzetto, Giulia Carcasci
Barents Sea Drill cuttings research initiative (BARCUT)-project - End report
Juho Junttila, Noortje Dijkstra, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Sabine K.J. Cochrane, Bjarne Landfald, Stian Røberg
Toward salient metocean services for the marine Arctic: exploring metservice perspectives on the user-producer interface
Jelmer Jeuring, Maaike Knol
A global typological approach to classify lakes based on their eutrophication risk
Eirini Politi, Mark E. J. Cutler, Laurence Carvalho, John S. Rowan
Inactivation of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and facultative pathogenic bacteria (ESKAPE-group) in wastewaters by photosensitizer-enhanced blue light irradiation
Xiaoyu Cong, Thomas Schwartz, Peter Krolla, Carsten Ulrich Schwermer
Vurdering av utslippspunktene til Veas
Andre Staalstrøm, Evgeniy Yakushev, Anfisa Berezina
Microalgae as a selenium vehicle for nutrition: a review
Rita Pires, Ana Margarida Pinto E. Costa, Hugo Pereira, Helena Cardoso, Luís Ferreira, Nuno Lapa
Erfaringer fra bruk av metoder for å kartlegge lokale/tradisjonelle perspektiver på naturverdier
Kathrine Ivsett Johnsen
Seafloor primary production in a changing Arctic Ocean
Karl Attard, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Karen Filbee-Dexter, Dorte Krause-Jensen, Michael Kühl
Language matters for biodiversity
Robert D. Fish, Gail E. Austen, Jacob W. Bentley, Martin Dallimer, Jessica C. Fisher, Katherine N. Irvine
Food Waste Governance Architectures in Europe: Actors, Steering Modes, and Harmonization Trends
Julia Szulecka, Carrie Bradshaw, Ludovica Principato
Biodiversity monitoring in Europe: User and policy needs
Hannah Moersberger, Jose Valdez, Juliette G. C. Martin, Jessica Junker, Ivelina Georgieva, Silke Bauer
Human exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) via the consumption of fish leads to exceedance of safety thresholds
Håkon Austad Langberg, Gijsbert Dirk Breedveld, Roland Kallenborn, Aasim Musa Mohamed Ali, Sarah Choyke, Carrie McDonough
Effects of wave exposure and habitat fragmentation on growth and grazing of rocky shore seaweeds: a mesocosm experiment
Lucas Hayes, Ivana Lukic, Siri R Moy, Camilla W Fagerli, Eli Rinde, Hartvig Christie
Variations of Drinking Water Quality Influenced by Seasons and Household Interventions: A Case Study from Rural Maharashtra, India
Isabel Seifert-Dähnn, Ingrid Nesheim, Sambita Gosh, Rutuja Dhawde, Appasaheb Ghadge, Aina C Wennberg
Overvåking av langtransportert forurenset luft og nedbør. Årsrapport – Vannkjemiske effekter 2023
Rolf David Vogt, Liv Bente Skancke
Physicochemical and bacteriological analysis of water quality in drought prone areas of pune and satara districts of maharashtra, india
Rutuja Dhawde, Nuzhat Surve, Ragini Macaden, Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Isabel Seifert-Dähnn, Appasaheb Ghadge