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A National Scale “BioBlitz” Using Citizen Science and eDNA Metabarcoding for Monitoring Coastal Marine Fish
Sune Agersnap, Eva Egelyng Sigsgaard, Mads Reinholdt Jensen, Marcelo De Paula Ávila, Henrik Carl, Peter Daniel Rask Møller
Forested Riparian Zones Provide Important Habitat for Fish in Urban Streams
Benjamin Kupilas, Francis J. Burdon, Jens Thaulow, Johnny Håll, Petra Thea Mutinova, Marie Anne Eurie Forio
Appraisal of the Fish for Development project proposal for in-stitutional cooperation between Colombia and Norway.
Gunnar Sander, Kvinge Bjørnar Andreas, Trond Norheim
Transformation of iron species in mixing zones and accumulation on fish gills
Hans-Christian Teien, Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Åse Åtland, Brit Salbu
Use of sodium silicate to reduce aluminium toxicity towards fish
Hans-Christian Teien, Frode Kroglund, Brit Salbu, Åse Åtland, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Legacy and Emerging Contaminants in Demersal Fish Species from Southern Norway and Implications for Food Safety
Marco Parolini, Sara Panseri, Federico Håland Gaeta, Federica Ceriani, Beatrice De Felice, Maria Nobile
What is the impact of kelp forest density and/or area on fisheries?
Rita Araujo, Inka Bartsch, Trine Bekkby, Karim Erzini, Isbel Sousa-Pinto
Development of a laboratory exposure system using marine fish to carry out realistic effect studies with produced water discharged from offshore oil production
Rolf Sundt, Sonnich Meier, Grete Jonsson, Steinar Sanni, Jonny Beyer
Quantification of the environmental impact of lumpfish farming through a life cycle assessment
Federico Håland Gaeta, Marco Parolini, Jacobo Bacenetti
Development of a hybrid Bayesian network model for predicting acute fish toxicity using multiple lines of evidence
S Jannicke Moe, Anders L Madsen, Kristin A Connors, Jane M Rawlings, Scott E Belanger, Wayne G Landis
Vannforskriften og fisk - forslag til klassifiseringssystem
Odd Terje Sandlund, Morten Andre Bergan, Åge Brabrand, Ola Håvard Diserud, Hans-Petter Fjeldstad, Dagfinn Gausen
Occurrence and trophic transport of organic compounds in sedimentation ponds for road runoff
Merete Grung, Sondre Meland, Anders Ruus, Sissel Ranneklev, Eirik Fjeld, Alfhild Kringstad
Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) squeezed in a complex fish community dominated by perch (Perca fluviatilis)
Odd Terje Sandlund, Eivind Haugerud, Sigurd Rognerud, Reidar Borgstrøm
Age dependence of the accumulation of organochlorine pollutants in brown trout (Salmo trutta) from a remote high mountain lake (Redo, Pyrenees)
Ingrid Vives, Joan O. Grimalt, Marc Ventura, J. Catalan, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Formation of transient polymetric Al-species in mixing zones and the subsequent deposition of Al on fish gills
Hans-Christian Teien, Brit Salbu, Lene Sørlie, Frode Kroglund, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Assaying waterborne psychoactive drugs by the response to naturalistic predator cues in the stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
Erik Höglund, Øyvind Øverli, Åse Åtland
Seasonal Variations in the Use of Profundal Habitat among Freshwater Fishes in Lake Norsjø, Southern Norway, and Subsequent Effects on Fish Mercury Concentrations
Tom Robin Olk, Kent Magnus Tobias Karlsson, Espen Lydersen, Asle Økelsrud
Development and validation of gene and protein biomarker responses for endocrine disruption in the polar cod
Siri Nesbakken, Augustine Arukwe, Anne Skjetne Mortensen, Lionel Camus, Jasmine Nahrgang, Karina Petersen
Current efforts on microplastic monitoring in Arctic fish and how to proceed
Tanja Kögel, Bonnie M. Hamilton, Maria Granberg, Jennifer F. Provencher, Sjúrður Hammer, Alessio Gomiero
Unraveling the Relationship between the Concentrations of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Freshwater Fish of Different Trophic Levels and Water Using Passive Sampling
Foppe Smedes, Jaromír Sobotka, Tatsiana P Rusina, Pavla Fialová, Pernilla Carlsson, Radovan Kopp