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Climate adaption of water management
EU Water Framework Directive gives specific goals that Member States are obliged to reach. But in a changing climate, with increasingly frequent and extreme weather and climate events, how is water management effectuated?
Monitoring alien marine species
NIVA have in a new study examined the occurrence of marine alien species in the Oslo fjord to develop a cost-effective method for early warning of new alien species, and of monitoring the spread and ecological effects of some selected alien species.
Mercury in Cod
The levels of mercury in the Oslofjord cod has increased over the last 30 years, despite reduced emissions of this toxic element. In the same period, the average size of sampled cod has increased. Are the elevated levels of mercury simply a result of larger cod?
Sea urchins: from pest to plate
It is one of the best paid seafood products and destroys kelp forests worth millions of NOK. Can sea urchin harvest be profitable?
The Environmental Specimen Bank – a time capsule for the future
Crunching sounds break the silence when a steel knife cuts loose the top of a trout´s head, exposing the fish brain. Let´s join a guided tour in the Environmental Specimen Bank in Oslo.
Stor torsk har meir kvikksølv
Dei siste tretti åra har konsentrasjonen av kvikksølv auka i torsken i Oslofjorden, jamvel om utsleppa av miljøgifta er reduserte. Samstundes er òg gjennomsnittstorsken forskarane har teke prøvar av frå fjorden vorten større. Er dei auka kvikksølvnivåa rett og slett eit resultat av at torsken har vakse?