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Stormwater management in Sogn allotment garden - map-based survey of stormwater accumulations and blue-green solutions

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Line Johanne Barkved, Isabel Seifert, Sindre Langaas


In this report, we describe a study on stormwater management in Sogn Hagekoloni, which took place during summer and autumn 2017. In close cooperation with the board of the garden, NIVA conducted a digital map-based survey by using the tool Maptionnaire. The aim of the study was to involve the allotment gardeners in the mapping of areas with stormwater accumulation after heavy rainfall, and to map potential places for implementing blue-green, nature-based, measures to handle the stormwater. The survey was also designed to understand gardeners’ perceptions of stormwater and their motivations to implement stormwater measures. Overall, 98 people participated in the survey. (…) The study explored and shows the usefulness of using a digital map-based tool within a confined area and group of participants; it enabled collection of observations, opinions, and ideas about stormwater and possible management options for the specific area. The results and insights can be used as a basis for follow-up dialogue and activities to arrive at a holistic stormwater management implementation for the area. The study was conducted as part of the research project iResponse on use of digital methods and crowdsourcing in environmental research and decision-making.