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Vehicle collisions and wolf predation : challenges in the management of a migrating moose population in southeast Norway

Doctoral dissertation
Year of publication
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Involved from NIVA
Hege Gundersen
Hege Gundersen


The aim in this synthesis is to focus on the different causes of mortality on a migratory moose population in southeastern Norway, with special attention on vehicle accidents (Paper III, Paper IV) and wolf predation (Paper V). In addition, I will evaluate some of the remedial actions available for solving a few of the conflicts related to high moose densities. Hence, I present a paper on how supplemental feeding during winter may act to prevent forest damage by modifying moose spatial distribution (Paper I). Feeding stations may also reduce vehicle accidents in cooperation with other mitigative efforts (Paper II). Further, I will evaluate how various mortality factors, in combination with moose seasonal migration may affect the performance of a moose population inside a wolf pack territory. Besides giving a summary of the various papers presented below, my primary aim with this synthesis is to present estimates of demographic parameters essential for the development of management models.