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Nutrient fluxes from an Arctic seabird colony to the adjacent coastal marine ecosystem
Eirik Aasmo Finne, Øystein Varpe, Joël Durant, Geir W. Gabrielsen, Amanda Poste
Using a microbial fuel cell to balance the carbon‑nitrogen mismatch in submerged fixed-bed reactors for the resilient treatment of mariculture wastewater.
Zuoliang Sun, Yuanrong Wei, Xiefa Song, Brendan Higgins, Zhitao Huang, Wen Hao
Atmospheric deposition and leaching of nitrogen in Chinese forest ecosystems
Yunting Fang, Per Gundersen, Rolf David Vogt, Keisuke Koba, Fusheng Chen, Xiyun Chen
Carbon and nitrogen stocks in Norwegian forest soils — the importance of soil formation, climate, and vegetation type for organic matter accumulation
Line Tau Strand, Ingeborg Callesen, Lise Dalsgaard, Heleen A de Wit
Modelling future NO3 leaching from an upland headwater catchment in SW Norway using the MAGIC model: II. Simulation of future nitrate leaching given scenarios of climate change and nitrogen deposition
Anne M Smelhus, Øyvind Kaste, Richard Frederic Wright
Modelling seasonal nitrate concentrations in runoff of a heathland catchment in SW Norway using the MAGIC model: I. Calibration and specification of nitrogen processes
Anne M Smelhus, Richard Frederic Wright, Øyvind Kaste
The BIOZO process - a biofilm system combined with ozonation: occurrence of xenobiotic organic micro-pollutants in and removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitrogen from landfill leachate
Benedek Plosz, Christian Vogelsang, Kenneth John Macrae, Harald Hasle Heiaas, Antonio Lopez, Helge Liltved
NKL-1915 National Nitrogen Budgets in Scandinavia: consequences for climate change and for eutrophication – synthesis report. Report number C 814
Filip Moldan, Sara Jutterström, Johanna Stadmark, Anu Akujärvi, Martin Forsius, Maria Holmberg
Kildefordelte tilførsler av nitrogen og fosfor til norske kystområder i 2022 – tabeller, figurer og kart
James Edward Sample
Optimization of aeration strategies for intensified nitrogen and phosphorus removal in an aerated electrolysis-assisted submerged fixed bed reactor treating recirculating mariculture effluent
Wei Yuanrong, Sun Zuoliang, Xiefa Song, Zhitao Huang, Meng Li
TEOTIL-modellen for simulering av elvetilførsler i Norge. Modellen er nå fullstendig omkodet og alle inndatasettene er oppdatert. Alle sider ved arbeidsflyten har blitt gjennomgått og forbedret. Totalt nitrogen og fosfor er separert i underfraksjoner, og suspendert sediment og totalt organisk karbon er lagt til som nye parametere. Den nye modellen er på åpen kildekode (Open Source) og grundig dokumentert på TEOTIL3-nettstedet.
James Edward Sample, Leah Amber Jackson-Blake, Christian Vogelsang, Øyvind Kaste
Trends in ecosystem and health responses to long-range transported atmospheric pollutants - ICP Waters report 125/2015
Heleen de Wit, Jean-Paul Hettelingh, Harry Harmens
Source apportioned input of nutrients to Norwegian Coastal areas in 2014. Tables, charts and maps.
John Rune Selvik, Tore Høgåsen
Overvåking av Ytre Oslofjord 2019-2023 - Årsrapport 2020
Anette Engesmo, Andre Staalstrøm, Sandra Gran-Stadniczeñko, Gunhild Borgersen, Bjørnar Beylich, Øyvind Kaste
Aleksandra Trnic Romarheim, Tom Andersen, Gunnhild Riise, Pål Brettum
Natural variability in soil and runoff from small headwater catchments at Storgama, Norway
Line Tau Strand, Ståle Leif Haaland, Øyvind Kaste, Arne O. Stuanes
Gjødsling av skog - vurdering av eksisterende hensynssone og tak for nitrogengjødsling på bakgrunn av ny kunnskap
Øyvind Kaste, Eva Skarbøvik, Nicholas Clarke, Heleen de Wit
Forurensningsregnskap for Ringerike kommune
Markus Lindholm, Christian Vogelsang, Alexander Melvold Engebretsen, Sigrun Kværnø, Hans Eggestad, John Rune Selvik
Manipulation of snow in small headwater catchments at Storgama, Norway: Effects on leaching of inorganic nitrogen
Øyvind Kaste, Kari Austnes, Live Semb Vestgarden, Richard Frederic Wright
N leaching from small upland headwater catchments in southwestern Norway
Anne Merete S. Sjøeng, Øyvind Kaste, Kjetil Tørseth, Jan Mulder