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Roads and motorized transport as major sources of priority substances? A data register study
Merete Grung, Hedda Vikan, Turid Hertel-Aas, Sondre Meland, Kevin V Thomas, Sissel Ranneklev
Occurrence of tire and road wear particles in urban and peri-urban snowbanks, and their potential environmental implications
Elisabeth Strandbråten Rødland, Ole Christian Lind, Malcolm James Reid, Lene Sørlie Heier, Elvis D. Okoffo, Cassandra Rauert
Microplastics in road dust – characteristics, pathways and measures
Christian Vogelsang, Amy Lusher, Mona Eftekhar Dadkhah, Ingrid Sundvor, Muhammad Umar, Sissel Brit Ranneklev
Occurrence and trophic transport of organic compounds in sedimentation ponds for road runoff
Merete Grung, Sondre Meland, Anders Ruus, Sissel Ranneklev, Eirik Fjeld, Alfhild Kringstad
Road de-icing salt: Assessment of a potential new source and pathway of microplastics particles from roads
Elisabeth Strandbråten Rødland, Elvis D. Okoffo, Cassandra Rauert, Lene S Heier, Ole Christian Lind, Malcolm Reid
Ecotoxicological effects of highway and tunnel wash water runoff Økotoksikologiske effekter av vegavrenning og tunnelvaskevann
Sondre Meland
Ecotoxic potential of road-associated microplastic particles (RAMP)
Elisabeth Rødland
Using carbon dioxide gas to lower the pH of tunnelling waste water – laboratory test and assessment of toxic potential
Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Carlos Escudero
Does sedation with AQUI-S® mitigate transport stress and post transport mortality in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergyltae)?
Sara Calabrese, Thor Magne Jonassen, Endre Steigum, Helga Øen Åsnes, Albert Imsland, Carolina Serra Saude
High levels of tire wear particles in soils along low traffic roads
Elisabeth Strandbråten Rødland, Lene Sørlie Heier, Ole Christian Lind, Sondre Meland
Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks’ (SAON) Roadmap for Arctic Observing and Data Systems (ROADS)
Sandy Starkweather, Jan R. Larsen, Eva Kruemmel, Hajo Eicken, David Arthurs, Alice C. Bradley
A novel method for the quantification of tire and polymer-modified bitumen particles in environmental samples by pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectroscopy
Elisabeth Strandbråten Rødland, Saer Samanipour, Cassandra Rauert, Elvis D. Okoffo, Malcolm James Reid, Lene S Heier
Aquatic biodiversity in sedimentation ponds receiving road runoff - What are the key drivers?
Zhenhua Sun, John Edward Brittain, Ekaterina Sokolova, Helene Thygesen, Svein Jakob Saltveit, Sebastian Rauch
Toxicity of road deicing salt (NaCl) and copper (Cu) to fertilization and early developmental stages of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Urma Mahrosh, Merethe Kleiven, Sondre Meland, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Brit Salbu, Hans-Christian Teien
PAH Accessibility in Particulate Matter from Road-Impacted Environments
Ian J Allan, Steven G O'Connell, Sondre Meland, Kine Bæk, Merete Grung, Kim A Anderson
Greening China’s Belt and Road Initiative A role for Chinese NGOs to go global?
Kathinka Fürst
Identification of non-regulated polycyclic aromatic compounds and other markers of urban pollution in road tunnel particulate matter
Merete Grung, Alfhild Kringstad, Kine Bæk, Ian J Allan, Kevin V Thomas, Sondre Meland
PAH related effects on fish in sedimentation ponds for road runoff and potential transfer of PAHs from sediment to biota
Merete Grung, Karina Petersen, Eirik Fjeld, Ian Allan, Jan H. Christensen, Linus M.V. Malmqvist
Characterization of tire and road wear microplastic particle contamination in a road tunnel: From surface to release
Elisabeth Strandbråten Rødland, Ole Christian Lind, Malcolm James Reid, Lene Sørlie Heier, Emelie Skogsberg, Brynhild Snilsberg
Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Road Runoff Are an Environmental Risk and Should Be Included in Future Investigations
Merete Grung, Sofie Jenny Lindman, Alfhild Kringstad, Viviane Girardin, Sondre Meland