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Ailbhe Lisette Macken
Andrew Luke King
André Staalstrøm
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State of the Cryosphere 2021 Report
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Laboratory for genetic analyses
Projects (5)
Ecosystem monitoring in coastal waters - ØKOKYST
The national monitoring program "Ecosystem monitoring in coastal waters - ØKOKYST" under the auspices of the Norwegian Environment Agency consists of several sub-programs that are divided into ecoregions. The program is part of the national basic monitoring of the environmental status of coastal waters and aims to monitor and map the environmental status in selected areas along the Norwegian coast.
From Catchment to Coast (C2C)
How are northern ecosystems affected by climate change, and how do different ecosystems affect each other? This 5-year Fram Centre research program aims to provide critical new knowledge related to: (1) Cross-ecosystem climate change impacts; and (2) How to best integrate cross-ecosystem linkages into cohesive management approaches.
NAUTILOS: New Approach to Underwater Technologies for Innovative, Low-cost Ocean obServation
Development of new low-cost ocean sensors for ocean observing and citizen science
Research sections (1)
The section employs observational, experimental, and modeling approaches to further our understanding of physical, chemical, biological, and biogeochemical processes and services of the marine environment.