Ailbhe Macken is a Head of Research Department for oceanography. She has over 20 years of experience working and researching in ecotoxicology, environmental science and monitoring. Her expertise and experience include marine biological effect monitoring and application of effect-oriented analysis and toxicity identification evaluation in marine waters and sediments, development and use of in vivo and in vitro bioassays, nano and regulatory ecotoxicology (GLP) and risk assessment. She has experience in all aspects of ecotoxicity testing of invertebrates and aquatic organisms, including hazard assessment of environmental mixtures and single substances for product registration. She has experience in ecotoxicological testing of "difficult" substances (e.g. poorly soluble, volatile and unstable) and has a good working knowledge of regulatory legislation (e.g. REACH, GHS and EMEA) and in marine and environmental directives and legislation ( eg WFD, Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)). Since 2015, Ailbhe has been GLP deputy Test Facility Manager in addition to the role of study director and test personnel. She is head of the working group for ecotoxicology in the Norman Network group on the fate and impact of ENMs in the aquatic environment (sludge, soil, sediment, leachate), and has participated as a member of the EU expert advisory group on endocrine diseases. interfering substances. In addition, she is the Norwegian representative in the OECD Validation Management Group for Ecotoxicology. Dr Macken is actively involved in several EU and nationally funded projects, (e.g. NFR ANTIVENOM - Project manager), and is involved in supervising Master's students, PhD students and PostDocs. Ailbhe is widely published in marine science and ecotoxicology and has been an invited speaker at many international conferences.