Microplastics in coastal areas, rivers and lakes (Mikronor)
"Monitoring of microplastics in coastal areas, rivers and lakes" is a new monitoring program that aims to increase knowledge about the extent of microplastic pollution in Norway.

About the project
Timeframe: 2021-2023 (ongoing project)
Read more about the program at the Norwegian Environment Agency
The monitoring will help to close significant knowledge gaps and provide the necessary knowledge to assess which measures against microplastic pollution will have the greatest effect, as well as monitor the effect of these measures over time. The program will provide information on levels and types of microplastic pollution in the aquatic environment and air, sources and pathways of microplastic pollution and any differences in microplastic levels and types of particles between geographical areas and sample types.
The programme will also contribute to improvements in future monitoring of microplastics and harmonized monitoring, for example in the EU, OSPAR.