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Shifting Baselines for Restoration - Learning from Monitoring, Historical maps, Interviews and Modelling in the Gausa Delta (Norway)
Leonard Sandin, Berit Köhler, Jon Museth, Vegard Gundersen, Line Johanne Barkved
Investigating societal attitudes towards marine ecosystem restoration
Eamonn O'Connor, Stephen Hynes, Wenting Chen, Nadia Papadopoulou, Christopher Smith
Securing success for the Nature Restoration Laws
Daniel Hering, Christian Schürings, Franziska Wenskus, Kirsty Blackstock, Angel Borja, Sebastian Birk
Manual for villgjøring av urbane sjøområder
Elin Tanding Sørensen, Eli Rinde
Estimating the costs and benefits of protecting a coastal amenity from climate change-related hazards: Nature based solutions via oyster reef restoration versus grey infrastructure
Stephen Hynes, Ryan Burger, João Tudella, Daniel Norton, Wenting Chen
Advancing consistent socio-economic monitoring of coastal ecosystem restoration through collaborative metric development
Lydia Olander, Katie Warnell, Sara Mason, Rachel Karasik, Heather Tallis, Kara Coffey
Estimating the costs and benefits of protecting a coastal amenity from climate change-related hazards: Nature based solutions via oyster reef restoration versus grey infrastructure
Stephen Hynes, Ryan Burger, João Tudella, Daniel Norton, Wenting Chen
Identification of areas suitable for restoration of boulder reefs in the south-eastern Great Belt
Jesper Harbo Andersen, Emilie Kallenbach, Zyad Al-Hamdani
No additional stress of sublethal gas supersaturation in a landlocked population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to environmental acidification
Erik Höglund, Lifen Zhou Loland, Rolf Høgberget, Peter Vilhelm Skov, Gaute Velle
The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt
Peter Haase, Diana Elizabeth Bowler, Nathan J. Baker, Núria Bonada, Sami Domisch, Jaime R. Garcia Marquez Marquez
Marine ecosystem restoration: new knowledge and future challenges
Roberto Donovaro, Cristina Gambi, Nadia Papadopoulou, Anthony Grehan, Christoffer Boström, J van de Koppel
River restoration and the trophic structure of benthic invertebrate communities across 16 European restoration projects
Benjamin Kupilas, Nikolai Friberg, Brendan G. McKie, Maik A Jochmann, Armin W Lorenz, Daniel Hering
Time series of freshwater macroinvertebrate abundances and site characteristics of European streams and rivers
Ellen A. R. Welti, Diana Elizabeth Bowler, James S. Sinclair, Florian Altermatt, Mario Álvarez-Cabria, Giuseppe Amatulli
Impacts of multiple stressors on freshwater biota across spatial scales and ecosystems
Sebastian Birk, Daniel Chapman, Laurence Carvalho, Bryan M. Spears, Hans Estrup Andersen, Christine Argillier
How to succeed in habitat restoration – linking restoration success to habitat characteristics, regional variations, pressures and restoration methods.
Trine Bekkby, Guri Sogn Andersen, Eli Rinde, Camilla With Fagerli, Hazel Thornton, Sara Pruckner
From data to decision making: assessing the benefits of restoring marine ecosystems
Hazel Thornton, Chris McOwen, Trine Bekkby, Sara Pruckner, Sabine Horn, Marta Coll
Incorporating facilitative interactions into small-scale eelgrass restoration—challenges and opportunities
Karine Gagnon, Hartvig C Christie, Karin Didderen, Camilla With Fagerli, Laura L. Govers, Max L. E. Gräfnings
Global kelp forest restoration: past lessons, present status, and future directions
Aaron M. Eger, Ezequiel M. Marzinelli, Hartvig C Christie, Camilla With Fagerli, Daisuke Fujita, Alejandra P. Gonzalez
Valuing the Benefits from Marine Ecosystem Restoration: A Choice Experiment (D7.3)
Stephen Hynes, Wenting Chen, Kofi Vondolia, Claire W. Armstrong, Eamonn O'Connor, Nadia Papadopoulou
Social acceptance of restoration activities
Nadia Papadopoulou, Chris J. Smith, Katerina Sevastou, Rolf Groeneveld, Rob Tinch, Stephen Hynes