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Freely dissolved PCDD/F concentrations in the Frierfjord, Norway: comparing equilibrium passive sampling with "active" water sampling
Gerard Cornelissen, Dag Broman, Kristoffer Næs
Sediment survey at Lutelandet in Fjaler municipality, Sogn og Fjordane County, Norway
Jarle Håvardstun
Modeling the fate of polychlorinated biphenyls in the inner Oslofjord, Norway
Knut Breivik, Birger Bjerkeng, Frank Wania, Aud Helland, Jan Magnusson
Sediments and microplastics in the Arctic
Laura Bronzo, Amy Lusher
Extent of Pollutant Accumulation in Nakivubo and Lake Victoria Sediments
John Wasswa
Monitoring of contaminants in blue mussels and sediments from Saudafjord in 2009
Sigurd Øxnevad, Merete Schøyen
Economic benefits of large-scale remediation of contaminated marine sediments-a literature review and an application to the Grenland fjords in Norway
David Nicholas Barton, Ståle Navrud, Heid Bjørkeslett, Ingrid Lilleby
Identifying soft sediments at sea using GIS-modelled predictor variables and Sediment Profile image (SPI) measured response variables
Trine Bekkby, Hans Christer Nilsson, Frode Olsgard, Brage Rygg, Per Erik Isachsen, Martin Isæus
Tiltaksrettet overvåking av Hemnefjorden i henhold til vannforskriften. Overvåking for Wacker Chemicals Norway AS
Sigurd Øxnevad, Marijana Stenrud Brkljacic, Gunhild Borgersen
Mineralization of organic matter in boreal lake sediments: rates, pathways, and nature of the fermenting substrates
Francois Clayer, Yves Gélinas, André Tessier, Charles Gobeil
Macrofaunal colonization of mine tailings impacted sediments
Hilde Cecilie Trannum, Rita Næss, Hege Gundersen
Effects of low flow and co-occurring stressors on structural and functional characteristics of the benthic biofilm in small streams
Annette Baattrup-Pedersen, Daniel Graeber, Helena Kallestrup, Kun Guo, Jes Jessen Rasmussen, Søren E. Larsen
Terrestrial inputs govern spatial distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in an Arctic fjord system (Isfjorden, Svalbard)
Sverre Johansen, Amanda Poste, Ian Allan, Anita Evenset, Pernilla Marianne Carlsson
Status of contaminated marine sediments in four Nordic countries: assessments, regulations, and remediation approaches
Alizée P. Lehoux, Karina Petersen, Matti T. Leppänen, Ian Snowball, Marianne Olsen
Particle transport of phosphorus in streams draining catchments with different land uses
Yemane Kidanu Gebreslasse, Rolf David Vogt
Environmental monitoring and updated risk assessment with emphasis on PAH of the marine environment close to Elkem in Kristiansand in 2013
Kristoffer Næs, Jarle Håvardstun, Eivind Oug, Jonny Beyer, Torgeir Heggelund Bakke, Harald Heiaas
Spatio-temporal variations of phosphorus (P) fractions insurface sediments of the southern Caspian Sea
Pooria Ebrahimi, Mohammad Javad Nematollahi, Hassan Nasrollahzadeh Saravi, Rolf David Vogt, Fariba Vahedi, Mahdie Baloei
Tiltaksrettet overvåking av Husnesfjorden i henhold til vannforskriften, 2015 Overvåking for Sør-Norge Aluminium AS
Hilde Cecilie Trannum, Sigurd Øxnevad
AFD2-D-GEN-EG-0001. Environmental Baseline Survey Report. Ekofisk Cessation EPRD Project
Astri J.S. Kvassnes, Mats Walday, Hege Gundersen
Tiltaksorientert overvåking av Husnesfjorden i 2021. Overvåking for Hydro Aluminium Husnes.
Sigurd Øxnevad, Jarle Håvardstun