PAPILLONS' overall aim is to shed light on the sustainability of plastic use in European agriculture in terms of emissions of micro- and nanoplastics, leakage of their chemical additives, and the impact of this on the soil. Through novel applications of the latest in analytical chemistry, materials science, computer modelling and nanofabrication technologies, we elucidate the sources, behavior and impacts of particles at micro- and nanoscale.

About the project
PAPILLONS is the acronym for Plastic in Agricultural Production: Impacts, Life-cycle and LONg-term Sustainability.
The project includes 20 partners from 12 countries and is coordinated by NIVA.
PAPILLONS will shed light on the ecological and socio-economic sustainability of agricultural plastics in terms of emissions and impact of micro- and nanoplastics in European soils. The project will advance knowledge on sources, behaviors and impacts through interdisciplinary research, bringing together researchers from chemistry, materials engineering, agronomy, soil ecology, toxicology and social sciences. The scientific knowledge generated will be transformed into guidance on specific solutions using a multi-actor approach involving actors in the agricultural and policy sectors as well as world-leading industries. This will enable the co-creation of knowledge and provide the scientific background to enable policy, agricultural and industrial innovation towards sustainable farm production systems.
PAPILLONS has received funding from the EU's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 101000210.
Fore more information, please visit the project's website.