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Conjugation of Microcystins with Thiols Is Reversible: Base-Catalyzed Deconjugation for Chemical Analysis
Christopher Owen Miles, Morten Sandvik, Hezron Emmanuel Nonga, Andreas Ballot, Alistair Lawrence Wilkins, Frode Rise
Integrated chemical exposure assessment of coastal green turtle foraging grounds on the Great Barrier Reef
C. Gallen, A.L. Heffernan, S. Kaserzon, G. Dogruer, S. Samanipour, M.J. Gomez-Ramos
Using environmental monitoring data from apex predators for chemicals management: towards better use of monitoring data from apex predators in support of prioritisation and risk assessment of chemicals in Europe
Gabriele Treu, Jaroslav Slobodnik, Nikiforos Alygizakis, Alexander Badry, Dirk Bunke, Alessandra Cincinelli
Influence og physical-chemical characteristics of natural organic matter (NOM)on coagulation properties: an analysis of eight Norwegian water sources
Harsha Ratnaweera, Eivind Oug, Egil Gjessing
Ongoing Laboratory Performance Study on Chemical Analysis of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Compounds in Three Aquatic Passive Samplers
Kees Booij, Steven Crum, Branislav Vrana, Roman Grabic, Nicolas Alexis Olivier Morin, Koen Parmentier
Responses of benthic invertebrates to chemical recovery from acidification
Gaute Velle, Christian Lucien Bodin, Jens Arle, Kari Austnes, Angela Boggero, Jindriska Bojkova
Remote, autonomous real‑time monitoring of environmental DNA from commercial fish
Brian K Hansen, Magnus W Jacobsen, Anne Lise Middelboe, Christina M. Preston, Roman Marin III, Dorte Bekkevold
Natural organic matter in the Nordic Countries (NOMiNiC): 1. TOC intercalibration 2. Physico-chemical characteristics of DOM
Rolf David Vogt, Dag Olav Andersen, Kevin Bishop, Nicholas Clarke, Tone Charlotte Gadmar, Egil T. Gjessing
Environmental Analysis of Imidacloprid in Norwegian Marine and Terrestrial Environments
Kine Bæk, Malcolm James Reid
What determines accuracy of chemical identification when using microspectroscopy for the analysis of microplastics?
Hannah De Frond, Win Cowger, Violet Renick, Susanne Brander, Sebastian Primpke, Suja Sukumaran
Nordre Fosen Region – marine investigations of environmental status in selected water bodies 2014-16
Torbjørn Martin Johnsen, Janne Kim Gitmark, Jarle Håvardstun
Coupling of supercritical fluid chromatography to mass spectrometry for the analysis of Dechlorane Plus: Examination of relevant negative ion atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mechanisms
Nicole Riddell, Bert van Bavel, Ingrid Ericson Jogsten, Robert McCrindle, Alan McAlees, Brock Chittim
Machine learning combined with non-targeted LC-HRMS analysis for a risk warning system of chemical hazards in drinking water: A proof of concept
Saer Samanipour, Sarit Kaserzon, Soumini Vijayasarathy, Hui Jiang, Phil Choi, Malcolm J Reid
Gas chromatography/atmospheric pressure chemical ionization/mass spectrometry for the analysis of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in human serum
Dawei Geng, Ingrid Ericson Jogsten, Jody Dunstan, Jessika Hagberg, Thanh Wang, Jérôme Ruzzin
ELISA methods for determination of algal toxins
Ingunn Anita Samdal, Kjersti Eriksen Løvberg, Andreas Ballot, Lyn R. Briggs, Craig J. Forsyth, Christopher Miles
On a quest for a conceptual model for Al-leaching from different types of acid soils
Rolf David Vogt, Thorjørn Larssen
Statistical variable selection: an alternative prioritization strategy during the nontarget analysis of LC-HR-MS data
Saer Samanipour, Malcolm J Reid, Kevin V Thomas
The NORMAN Association and the European Partnership for Chemicals Risk Assessment (PARC): let’s cooperate!
Valeria Dulio, Jan Koschorreck, Bert van Bavel, Paul van den Brink, Juliane Hollender, John Munthe
Spatial and temporal trends of anthropogenic pollutants in a tropical, urban environment in east Africa
Maja Nipen, Knut Breivik, Rolf David Vogt, Katrine Borgå, Martin Schlabach
Chemical and biological recovery in acid-sensitive waters: trends and prognosis (ICP Waters report 119/2015)
Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Heleen de Wit, Arne Fjellheim