Heavy metals
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Involved from NIVA (11)
Anders Ruus
Senior Research Scientist, Adj. Prof.
+47 982 27 786 | anders.ruus@niva.no
Cathrine Brecke Gundersen
Researcher Scientist, PhD
+47 416 80 804 | cathrine.brecke.gundersen@niva.no
Christian Vogelsang
Senior Research Scientist, PhD
+47 982 94 051 | christian.vogelsang@niva.no
Eline Mosleth Færgestad
Head Engineer
+47 951 04 348 | eline.mosleth.faergestad@niva.no
Gilberto Binda
Researcher Scientist, PhD
+47 982 15 463 | gilberto.binda@niva.no
Hans Fredrik V Braaten
Research Manager
+47 911 89 144 | hansfredrik.veitebergbraaten@niva.no
Kamilla Flatsetøy Furseth
Research Assistant
+47 480 74 206 | kamilla.furseth@niva.no
Magnus Dahler Norling
Researcher Scientist, PhD
+47 957 23 538 | magnus.norling@niva.no
Morten Jartun
Research Manager
+47 913 70 188 | morten.jartun@niva.no
Paulo Mira Fernandes
Researcher Scientist, PhD
+47 901 03 206 | paulo.fernandes@niva.no
Rolf David Vogt
Chief Scientist
+47 906 15 415 | rolf.david.vogt@niva.no
Projects (1)
ICP Waters
The programme collects monitoring data from approximately 20 countries in Europe and North America to monitor and investigate the extent to which air pollution affects lakes and rivers, particularly regarding acidification, heavy metals and pollutants.
Project period: