C-BLUES is a Horizon Europe initiative focused on advancing knowledge, understanding, policy implementation and management of blue carbon ecosystems through EU-China cooperation.

About the project
C-BLUES aims to significantly advance the understanding of blue carbon ecosystems such as seagrasses, tidal marshes, mangroves, and macroalgae.
The project engages with the scientific community, climate and coastal policy makers, and the wider civil society to disseminate the knowledge generated, raise awareness of blue carbon ecosystems, and build capacity for blue carbon research inclusion.
C-BLUES will effectively impact national and international climate policy work so that blue carbon ecosystems more prominently are included in reporting and management actions.
C-BLUES will:
- Develop new scientific knowledge about blue carbon ecosystems to reduce scientific uncertainty and improve blue carbon reporting under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
- Contribute to the revision of the 2013 IPCC Wetlands Supplement to better include coastal wetlands in national greenhouse gas inventories and reporting
- Raise awareness about blue carbon’s role in global climate policy
The project will produce spatial maps, best practices, and standard procedures, enhance carbon emissions and sequestration quantification, model sequestration capacity, assess carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions, review legal frameworks, and evaluate the integration of coastal wetlands into national reporting mechanisms.