In the CORNELIA project, NIVA together with its two industrial partners tests and verifies innovative technical solutions for targeted removal of antimicrobial resistance from wastewater at hospitals (at the source) and at wastewater treatment plants (before discharge to the environment).
About the project
CORNELIA (Antimicrobial Resistance in One Health Interfaces) addresses the development and dissemination of AMR in soil and aquatic environments that present important interfaces between humans and animals. This is done through an interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial approach, involving all the three pillars of One Health, and bringing the biology and technology sectors together in exploiting new technologies for data analysis and surveillance, development of diagnostic tools and establishment of mitigation measures.
CORNELIA is organized into five scientific workpackages:
- Occurrence of AMR in environmental interfaces;
- New diagnostic tools and new technologies for diagnosis and metagenome and whole genome sequence data;
- Persistence, transmission and expression of AMR in environmental interfaces;
- Strategies for surveillance of AMR in the environment;
- Innovative technologies for AMR mitigation and wastewater treatment.
The comprehensive CORNELIA team consists of scientific partners from NMBU, FHI, UiT, NIBIO, NIVA, as well as start-up compenies Blueshift AS and Sustaintech AS. Access to relevant sampling and testing of technology are ensured through collaboration with Oslo University Hospital and Vestfjorden Avløpsselskap AS.

More information
Project partners
- Norges miljø og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU)
- Norsk institutt for vannforskning (NIVA)
- Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi (NIBIO)
- Universitetet i Tromsø (UiT)
- Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI)
- Oslo universitetssykehus (OUS)
- Vestfjorden Avløpsselskap AS (VEAS)
- Blueshift AS
- Sustaintech AS
Schwermer, C.U., Krzeminski, P. Dette kan være nøkkelen i kampen mot antibiotikaresistens. Forskersonen 2023.
Omsted, G. Resistente bakterier slippes daglig ut i vannet via kloakken. Forskersonen 2019.