Phil has broad background and interests in marine ecosystem modelling and biogeochemistry, with a main focus on lower trophic-level pelagic systems (plankton). He has a PhD in oceanography from the National Oceanography Centre at Southampton, UK (2008). His work spans spatial scales from ocean basin scale to coastal/fjord scale, and has addressed mainly: 1) impacts of climate change on coastal water quality and ecosystem services, and potential mitigation/adaptation strategies (e.g. in JPI-funded project CE2COAST); 2) water quality impacts of local emissions from rivers and other points sources such as fish farms and wastewater treatment plants, methods to assess coastal water quality, and potential management measures to improve it (e.g. Oslofjord modelling projects funded by the Norwegian Environment Agency). His primary competence is in coastal ocean modelling, mostly using the ROMS physical model and the ERSEM biogeochemical model, with coupling via the FABM approach, and a focus on coastal regions at spatial scales 100m - 1000km and seasonal to multidecadal timescales.