Ecosystem monitoring in coastal waters - ØKOKYST
The national monitoring program "Ecosystem monitoring in coastal waters - ØKOKYST" under the auspices of the Norwegian Environment Agency consists of several sub-programs that are divided into ecoregions. The program is part of the national basic monitoring of the environmental status of coastal waters and aims to monitor and map the environmental status in selected areas along the Norwegian coast.
ENTRANS (Investigating the ENvironmental impacts of TRANSformed engineered nanomaterials released from wastewater treatment plants) is an interdisciplinary four-year project funded by the Research Council of Norway (Nano2021 call) and brings together scientists from fields of environmental, material science and material characterization, chemistry, biology, nanotoxicology and risk assessment.
The Arctic environment is facing evident changes such as temperature increase and consequent rapid decline in the sea ice. These conditions will favour the development of industrial activities, e.g., oil & gas exploration and aquaculture. We need to assess the potential environmental risks from the anticipated industrial development in the Arctic, and to do that, we need to develop robust methods and approaches that characterise the pollution pathway from the emission to the environment to the display of adverse outcomes in the biota.
FAIRWAY - Farm systems management and governance for producing good water quality for drinking water supplies
The FAIRWAY project aims to review approaches for protection of drinking water resources against pollution by pesticides and nitrate, and develop innovative measures and governance approaches for effective drinking water protection.
Framework agreement with the Ministry of Climate and Environment for climate and environmental expertise
NIVA is part of a CICERO-led consortium that has won an exclusive framework agreement for climate and environmental knowledge for the Ministry of Climate and Environment (KLD) for 2023-2025. Together with our partners, we will contribute tools and expertise to the development of climate and environmental policy both nationally and internationally.
From Catchment to Coast (C2C)
How are northern ecosystems affected by climate change, and how do different ecosystems affect each other? This 5-year Fram Centre research program aims to provide critical new knowledge related to: (1) Cross-ecosystem climate change impacts; and (2) How to best integrate cross-ecosystem linkages into cohesive management approaches.
Future Drinking Water Levels of Nitrosamines and Nitramines near a CO2 Capture Plant (FuNitr)
FuNitr will yield new knowledge and tools directly applicable to the safe realisation of CO2 capture technology, and thereby supporting the Norwegian Longship project for CO2 capture and storage.
The Gyrochlorine project is a collaboration between NIVA, the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the greatest health challenges of our time with serious economic consequences for society globally. The goal of HOTMTAS is to design, implement and assess modular advanced solutions for effective and decentralized wastewater treatment at selected point sources of AMR emergence, such as hospitals and nursing homes.
Hydrosun aims to develop knowledge enabling efficient design and operation of hydro-FPV HyPPs.
ICP Waters
The programme collects monitoring data from approximately 20 countries in Europe and North America to monitor and investigate the extent to which air pollution affects lakes and rivers, particularly regarding acidification, heavy metals and pollutants.
IKHAPP - International Knowledge Hub Against Plastic Pollution
IKHAPP collects, critically analyses and disseminates scientific knowledge to support effective policies and actions to fight plastic pollution globally.
IMPASSE has studied the impacts of microplastics in agroSystems and stream environment. The project is now finished.
Indo-Norwegian Collaboration Project on Ecosystem Services and Accounting (INECO)
INECO (Indo-Norwegian Collaboration Project on Ecosystem Services and Accounting) is part of the Indo-Norway Integrated Ocean Management and Research Initiative. This is a collaborative project between NIVA and the National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR, under the Ministry of Earth Sciences) in India. The aim is to develop capacity and expertise for ecosystem services and accounting to support the blue economy and linked ocean accounting in India.
INOPOL (India-Norway cooperation project on capacity building for reducing plastic and chemical pollution in India) is a collaborative project between NIVA, which leads the project, with MGC as India country lead and several Indian institutions (SRM, CIPET, Toxics Link). The project is part of the Norway-India Marine Pollution Initiative established between Indian and Norwegian authorities in 2019. The project is also part of NORAD’s programme to combat microplastics and marine pollution.
Invest4Nature (I4N) is an EU-funded Research and Innovation project that contributes to the development of a nature-based solutions (NBS) market.
The overarching aim of KnowledgeScapes is to explore and improve participatory methods that contribute to knowledge exchange and knowledge-based land and sea-use management.
LOCALITY will develop new solutions to use nutrient-rich industrial wastewaters and Baltic and North Seas water to cultivate algae using infrastructures available locally and transform them into innovative products (aquafeed supplements, biostimulants/fertilizers, protein alternatives, nutraceuticals, textile additives).
MadMacs (mass development of aquatic macrophytes; causes and consequences of macrophyte removal for ecosystem structure, function, and services) aims to determine the causes of mass development of water plants, and to study the direct and indirect consequences of their removal on ecosystem functions and services.
MARICA carries out the first systematic, multi-scale assessment of spatial patterns and drivers of marine resource conflicts across sub-Saharan Africa and in 3 focal case studies in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa.