Viser 2829 treff
Short-term exposure testing of six different passive samplers for the monitoring of hydrophobic contaminants in water
Ian Allan, Kees Booij, Albrecht Paschke, Branislav Vrana, Graham Andrew Mills, Richard Greenwood
Monitoring North Sea oil production discharges using passive sampling devices coupled with in vitro bioassay techniques
Christopher Peter Harman, Eivind Farmen Finne, Knut-Erik Tollefsen
Compact semi-automatic incident sampler for personal monitoring of volatile organic compounds in occupational air
Kasper Solbu, Merete Hersson, Syvert Thorud, Elsa Lundanes, Terje Nilsen, Ole Synnes
Airborne exposure and biological monitoring of bar and restaurant workers before and after the introduction of a smoking ban
Dag Ellingsen, Geir Fladseth, Hanne Line Daae, Merete Gjølstad, Kristina Kjaerheim, Marit Skogstad
Measurement of environmental pollutants using passive sampling devices – a commentary on the current state of the art
Graham A. Mills, Richard Greenwood, Branislav Vrana, Ian Allan, Tomas Ocelka
Guideline for environmental monitoring in Sudanese marine waters in connection with offshore oil and gas industry activities
Jonny Beyer, Bente Margrethe Wathne, Rihab Kamal Omer, Siddig Eissa Ahmed
Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis spp.) as sentinel organisms in coastal pollution monitoring: A review
Jonny Beyer, Norman Whitaker Green, Steven Brooks, Ian Allan, Anders Ruus, Tania Gomes
Correction to: Mobile trace elements in sediments from lakes Hawassa, Koka, and Ziway in the Ethiopian Rift Valley (Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, (2023), 195, 1, (11), 10.1007/s10661-022-10512-y)
Alemayehu Esayas Masresha, Lindis Skipperud, Zinabu Gebremariam, Sondre Meland, Brit Salbu
Uptake of some selected aquatic pollutants in semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and the polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS)
Christopher Peter Harman, Olav Bøyum, Knut Erik Tollefsen, Kevin V Thomas, Merete Grung
Multi-residue screening of prioritised human pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs and bactericides in sediments and sludge
Katherine Langford, Malcolm James Reid, Kevin V Thomas
Towards European harmonised procedures for quantification of nutrient losses from diffuse sources-the EUROHARP project
B. Kronvang, Stig Borgvang, Line Johanne Barkved
Comparison study of five analytical methods for the fractionation and subsequent determination of aluminium in natural water samples
Torild Wickstrøm, Nicholas Clarke, Kirsti Derome, John Derome, Eirin Røgeberg
Occurrence of PAHs and PCBs in the Alna River, Oslo (Norway)
Ian Allan, Sissel Brit Ranneklev
Input of selected human pharmaceutical metabolites into the Norwegian aquatic environment
Katherine Langford, Kevin V Thomas
Organophosphates in aircraft cabin and cockpit air - method development and measurements of contaminants
Kasper Solbu, Hanne Line Daae, Raymond Olsen, Syvert Thorud, Dag Ellingsen, Torsten Lindgren
Exposure to airborne organophosphates originating from hydraulic and turbine oils among aviation technicians and loaders
Kasper Solbu, Hanne Line Daae, Syvert Thorud, Dag Ellingsen, Elsa Lundanes, Pål Molander
Trace element mobility and transfer to vegetation within the Ethiopian Rift Valley lake areas
Yetneberk Ayalew Kassaye, Lindis Skipperud, Sondre Meland, Elias Dadebo, John W Einset, Brit Salbu
Determination of the dialdehyde glyoxal in workroom air - development of personal sampling methodology
Raymond Olsen, S Thorud, M Hersson, S Ovrebo, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Occupational exposure to airborne solvents during nail sculpturing
Merete Gjolstad, Syvert Thorud, Pål Molander
Air formaldehyde and solvent concentrations during surface coating with acid-curing lacquers and paints in the woodworking and furniture industry
S Thorud, M Gjolstad, DG Ellingsen, Pål Molander