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Remote sensing methods for benthic mapping and monitoring
Kasper Hancke, Hege Gundersen, Mihailo Azhar, Peter A. U. Stæhr
Collection of ground-truth data and image annotation for drone mapping
Hege Gundersen, Kasper Hancke
Overskridelser av tålegrenser for forsuring og overgjødsling for Norge. Oppdatering med perioden 2017-2021
Kari Austnes, Cathrine Brecke Gundersen, James Edward Sample, Espen Lund
Beslutningsmatrise for effektiv og skånsom rydding av ulike miljøer - Rapport fra forprosjekt
Jannike Falk-Andersson, Federico Håland Gaeta, Marthe Larsen Haarr, Carl Höjman, Eivind Bastesen, Marianne Olsen
Structure of the microbial plankton community in the NW Iberian margin at the end of the upwelling season
Bibiana Gomez Crespo, O Espinoza-Gonzalez, IG Teixeira, CG Castro, FG Figueiras
Dynamics of Alexandrium fundyense blooms and shellfish toxicity in the Nauset Marsh System of Cape Cod (Massachusetts, USA)
Bibiana Gomez Crespo, BA Keafer, DK Ralston, H Lind, D Faber, DM Anderson
Microzooplankton feeding impact in a coastal upwelling system on the NW Iberian margin: The Ría de Vigo
IG Teixeira, FG Figueiras, Bibiana Gomez Crespo, S Piedracoba
Possible mixotrophy of pigmented nanoflagellates: Microbial plankton biomass, primary production and phytoplankton growth in the NW Iberian upwelling in spring
Bibiana Gomez Crespo, O Espinoza-Gonzalez, IG Teixiera, CG Castro, FG Figueiras
Effect of a simulated oil spill on natural assemblages of marine phytoplankton enclosed in microcosms
J Gonzalez, FG Figueiras, M Aranguren-Gassis, Bibiana Gomez Crespo, E Fernandez, XAG Moran
Microplankton composition off NW Iberia at the end of the upwelling season: Source areas of harmful dinoflagellate blooms
Bibiana Gomez Crespo, IG Teixeira, FG Figueiras, CG Castro
Resource levels, allometric scaling of population abundance, and marine phytoplankton diversity
P Cermeño, E Marañón, D Harbour, FG Figueiras, Bibiana Gomez Crespo, M Huete-Ortega
A spring poleward current and its influence on microplankton assemblages and harmful dinoflagellates on the western Iberian coast
Bibiana Gomez Crespo, FG Figueiras
Role of across-shelf currents in the dynamics of harmful dinoflagellate blooms in the northwestern Iberian upwelling
Bibiana Gomez Crespo, FG Figueiras, S Groom
Downwelling and dominance of autochthonous dinoflagellates in the NW Iberian margin: The example of the Ría de Vigo
Bibiana Gomez Crespo, FG Figueiras, P Porras, IG Teixeira
Size-fractionated phytoplankton pigment groups in the NW Iberian upwelling system: Impact of the Iberian Poleward Current
F Rodriguez, JL Garrido, Bibiana Gomez Crespo, B Arbones, FG Figueiras
Spatial variability in bacterial abundance and other microbial components in the NW Iberian margin during relaxation of a spring upwelling event
FG Figueiras, MK Zdanowski, Bibiana Gomez Crespo
Origin and fate of a bloom of Skeletonema costatum during a winter upwelling/downwelling sequence in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain)
XA Álvarez-Salgado, M Nieto-Cid, S Piedracoba, Bibiana Gomez Crespo, J Gago, S Brea
Exploration of community dynamics of protists during the autumn season through metabarcoding and intensive sampling.
Elise Nygård, Simon Hasselø Kline, Louise Valestrand, Bente Edvardsen
Seasonal dynamics of the protist community in the Oslofjord and Skagerrak in a changing ocean.
Simon Hasselø Kline, Karoline Saubrekka, Wenche Eikrem, Louise Valestrand, Elianne Dunthorn Egge, Alexander Eiler
More Frequent Runoff and Connected Sources in Headwaters Promote Browning of Northern Freshwaters
Stefano Basso, Andreas Musolff, Heleen de Wit