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Hydropower: gas supersaturation and the role of aquatic plant photosynthesis for fish health
Benoît Olivier Laurent Demars, Peter Dörsch, Kirstine Thiemer, Francois Clayer, Susanne Claudia Schneider, Sebastian Franz Stranzl
Comparing nutrient reference concentrations in Nordic countries with focus on lowland rivers
Eva Skarbøvik, Jukka Aroviita, Jens Fölster, Anne Lyche Solheim, Katarina Kyllmar, Katri Rankinen
Meta-analysis of multidecadal biodiversity trends in Europe
Francesca Pilotto, Ingolf Kühn, Rita Adrian, Renate Alber, Audrey Alignier, Christopher Andrews
Evaluation of factors influencing disinfection efficacy for aquaculture
Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Samantha Eslava Martins, Kamilla Furseth, August E.Dessen Tobiesen, Ole-Kristian Hess-Erga
Microplastics in Norwegian coastal areas, rivers, lakes and air (MIKRONOR1)
Bert van Bavel, Amy Lorraine Lusher, Chiara Consolaro, Sverre Hjelset, Cecilie Singdahl-Larsen, Nina Tuscano Buenaventura
Satellite water quality monitoring: Status report 2023
E. Therese Harvey, Sivert Bakken, Carsten Brockmann, Martin Böttcher, Anette Engesmo, Sigrid Haande
Vertical distribution and feeding of the copepod Chiridius armatus
Merete Schøyen, Stein Kaartvedt
The biogeochemical MAGIC model has been applied to the data from the 1995 and 2019 surveys of 1000 Norwegian lakes. The work is a follow-up of a modelling exercise that was done in 2022, with improved input data and with new deposition estimates generated from NILU’s deposition station network. The results indicated that the new deposition data from NILU gave slightly better simulated results (compared to the observed) than those with the deposition estimates from EMEP used in 2022. For future w
Øyvind Kaste, Magnus Norling, Areti Balkoni, Kari Austnes, Bernard J. Cosby, Richard Wright
Mercury isotope analysis of sediments from Gunneklevfjorden – Method evaluation and a preliminary investigation of sources
Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Nathan W Johnson, Francois Clayer, Bjørnar Beylich, Jarle Håvardstun, Morten Schaanning
Potential effects of reduced riverine inorganic particle loading on water quality in the Oslofjord region
Philip Wallhead, Trond Kristiansen, Helene Frigstad, Kai Sørensen, Sabine Marty
Moose harvesting strategies in the presence of wolves
Erlend Birkeland Nilsen, Terje Pettersen, Hege Gundersen, Jos M. Milner, Atle Mysterud, Erling Johan Solberg
Nature and abundance of organic radicals in natural organic matter: Effect of pH and irradiation
Andrea Paul, Reinhardt Stösser, Andrea Zehl, Elke Zwirnmann, Rolf David Vogt, Christian E.W. Steinberg
Use of diffusive gradients in thin films to predict potentially bioavailable selenium in soil
Trine A Sogn, Susanne Eich-Greatorex, Oddvar Kjell Røyset, Anne K. Falk Øgaard, Åsgeir Rossebø Almås
Predation of Atlantic salmon across ontogenetic stages and impacts on populations
Morten Falkegård, Robert Lennox, Eva Bonsak Thorstad, Sigurd Einum, Peder Fiske, Øyvind Aaberg Garmo
Microplastics could be marginally more hazardous than natural suspended solids - A meta-analysis
Martin Ogonowski, Martin Wagner, Björn Rogell, Marte Haave, Amy Lusher
Steps towards a status classification of Norwegian lakes using satellite data - method development and case studies
E. Therese Harvey, Kai Sørensen
Environmental Contaminants in an Urban Fjord, 2022
Anders Ruus, Merete Grung, Morten Jartun, Kine Bæk, Thomas Rundberget, Bjørnar Beylich
ECOMAR: A data-driven framework for ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning in Danish marine waters. Results and conclusions from a development and demonstration project
Jesper Harbo Andersen, Jørgen Bendtsen, Kathrine Jul Hammer, E. Therese Harvey, Steen Wilhelm Knudsen, Ciaran Joseph Murray
Atmospheric deposition and lateral transport of mercury in Norwegian drainage basins: A mercury budget for Norway
Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Cathrine Brecke Gundersen, James Edward Sample, John Rune Selvik, Heleen de Wit
Do antiparasitic medicines used in aquaculture pose a risk to the Norwegian aquatic environment?
Katherine Langford, Sigurd Øxnevad, Merete Schøyen, Kevin V Thomas