Viser 10122 treff
The future Dutch Environment and Planning Act in light of the ecosystem approach
Kars Jan de Graaf, Froukje Maria Platjouw, Hanna Dürtge Tolsma
Forslag til nye retningslinjer for rensing av veiavrenning og tunnelvaskevann
Sondre Meland, Sissel Brit Ranneklev, Turid Hertel-Aas
Effects of acute and chronic stress on telencephalic neurochemistry and gene expression in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Maria Moltesen, Danielle Caroline Laursen, Per-Ove Thörnquist, Madelene Åberg Andersson, Svante Winberg, Erik Höglund
Utvinning av rutil i Engebøfjellet, Naustdal kommune Scopingseminar for konsekvensutredning, Førde 24. – 27. september 2007
Jørn Thomassen, Jens Skei
Metodikk for å fastsette miljømål for sterkt modifiserte vannforekomster. Auravassdraget som eksempel
Anders Gravbrøt Finstad, David Nicholas Barton, Arne Johan Jensen, Bjørn Ove Johnsen, Johanna Järnegren, Odd Terje Sandlund
Pollution: Do microplastics spill on to farm soils?
Luca Nizzetto, Sindre Langaas, Martyn N. Futter
Handlingsplanen for naturmangfold lover for lite
Gunnar Austrheim, Nikolai Friberg, Vigdis Vandvik
PAH Accessibility in Particulate Matter from Road-Impacted Environments
Ian J Allan, Steven G O'Connell, Sondre Meland, Kine Bæk, Merete Grung, Kim A Anderson
Few multiyear precipitation–reduction experiments find a shift in the productivity–precipitation relationship
Marc Estiarte, Sara Vicca, Josep Peñuelas, Michael Bahn, Claus Beier, Bridget A Emmett
Phytoplankton and other monitoring data from Lake Vansjø
Sigrid Haande, S. Jannicke Moe, Raoul-Marie Couture
Myanmar: Pilot Introducing the National Water Framework Directiv
Ingrid Nesheim, Bente Margrethe Wathne, Bo Ni, Zaw Lwin Tun
Kon-Tiki2 Expedition 2015-2016 Scientific Cruise Report
Torgeir Higraff, Cecilie Mauritzen, Pedro Roberto De La Torre Olazabal, Håkon Wium Lie
Occurrence of UV filters, fragrances and organophosphate flame retardants in municipal WWTP effluents and their removal during membrane post-treatment
P Krzeminski, C Schwermer, A Wennberg, K Langford, C Vogelsang
Exploring the occurrence and distribution of contaminants of emerging concern through unmanned sampling from ships of opportunity in the North Sea
Miroslav Brumovsky, Jitka Bečanová, Jiri Kohoutek, Henrike Thomas, Wilhelm Petersen, Kai Sørensen
A two stage algorithm for target and suspect analysis of produced water via gas chromatography coupled with high resolution time of flight mass spectrometry
Saer Samanipour, Katherine Langford, Malcolm J Reid, Kevin V Thomas
A tool for cost-effectiveness analysis of field scale sediment-bound phosphorus mitigation measures and application to analysis of spatial and temporal targeting in the Lunan Water catchment, Scotland
Andy Vinten, James Sample, Adekunle Ibiyemi, Yakubu Abdul-Salam, Marc Stutter
Hyperspectral imaging and data analysis for detecting and determining plastic contamination in seawater filtrates
Therese M Karlsson, Hans Grahn, Bert Van Bavel, Paul Geladi
Is the impact of eutrophication on phytoplankton diversity dependent on lake volume/ecosystem size?
Didier Ludovic Baho, Stina Drakare, Richard K. Johnson, Craig R. Allen, David G. Angeler
Forslag til overvåkingslokaliteter for etablering av referanseverdier for økologiske kvalitetselementer i ferskvann. Fase 3: elver og innsjøer
Ann Kristin Schartau, Robert Abelsen, Gunnar Halvorsen, Anders Hobæk, Stein W Johansen, Svein Erik Sloreid
High Throughput Analysis of Integron Gene Cassettes in Wastewater Environments
Joao Gatica, Vijay Tripathi, Stefan Green, Celia M Manaia, Thomas Berendonk, Damiano Cacace