Does Perceived Nuisance Abundance of Water Plants Match with Willingness-to-Pay for Removal? Contrasts Among Different User Categories
Jan Vermaat, Kirstine Thiemer, Bart Immerzeel, Susanne Claudia Schneider, Keneilwe Sebola, Julie Coetzee
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2024 | Environmental Management
Causes of macrophyte mass development and management recommendations
Susanne C Schneider, Julie A. Coetzee, Elena Fukasawa Galvanese, Sarah Faye Harpenslager, Sabine Hilt, Bart Immerzeel
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
2024 | Science of the Total Environment
Light and temperature controls of aquatic plant photosynthesis downstream of a hydropower plant and the effect of plant removal
Benoît Olivier Laurent Demars, Susanne Claudia Schneider, Kirstine Thiemer, Peter Dörsch, Ulrich Pulg, Sebastian Franz Stranzl
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2023 | Science of the Total Environment
Mass development of aquatic plants: Effects of contrasting management scenarios on a suite of ecosystem services
Jan Vermaat, Kirstine Thiemer, Bart Immerzeel, Susanne Claudia Schneider, Keneilwe Sebola, Julie Coetzee
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2023 | Journal of Applied Ecology
Plastid DNA sequences and oospore characters of some European taxa of Tolypella section Tolypella (Characeae) identify five clusters, including one new cryptic Tolypella taxon from Sardinia, but they do not coincide with current morphological descriptions
Anja Holzhausen, Petra Nowak, Andreas Ballot, Ralf Becker, Jasmina Gebert, Thomas Gregor
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2023 | Frontiers in Plant Science
Drivers of Perceived Nuisance Growth by Aquatic Plants
Kirstine Thiemer, Bart Immerzeel, Susanne Claudia Schneider, Keneilwe Sebola, Julie Coetzee, Mathieu Baldo
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2023 | Environmental Management
Short-term effects of macrophyte removal on aquatic biodiversity in rivers and lakes
Benjamin Misteli, Alexandrine Pannard, Eirin Aasland, Sarah Faye Harpenslager, Samuel Motitsoe, Kirstine Thiemer
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2022 | Journal of Environmental Management (JEM)
Co-occurrence, ecological profiles and geographical distribution based on unique molecular identifiers of the common freshwater diatoms Fragilaria and Ulnaria
Maria Kahlert, Satu Maaria Karjalainen, Francois Keck, Martyn Kelly, Mathieu Ramon, Frederic Rimet
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2022 | Ecological Indicators
Same same, but different: The response of diatoms to environmental gradients in Fennoscandian streams and lakes – barcodes, traits and microscope data compared
Maria Kahlert, Bonnie Bailet, Teofana Chonova, Satu Maaria Karjalainen, Susanne C. Schneider, Kálmán Tapolczai
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2021 | Ecological Indicators
Relating environmental pressures to littoral biological water quality indicators in Western Balkan lakes: Can we fill the largest gaps?
Jan E. Vermaat, Vera Biberdžić, Vjola Braho, Biljana Budzakoska Gjoreska, Magdalena Cara, Zamira Dana
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2021 | Science of the Total Environment
The balkan macrophyte index (BMI) for assessment of eutrophication in lakes
Susanne Claudia Schneider, Sonja Trajanovska, Vera Biberdžić, Aleksandra Marković, Marina Talevska, Alma Imeri
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2020 | Acta Zoologica Bulgarica
Littoral eutrophication indicators are more closely related to nearshore land use than to water nutrient concentrations: A critical evaluation of stressor-response relationships
Susanne C Schneider, Vera Biberdžić, Vjola Braho, Biljana Budzakoska Gjoreska, Magdalena Cara, Zamira Dana
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2020 | Science of the Total Environment
Ecological correlates of riverine diatom and macroinvertebrate alpha and beta diversity across Arctic Fennoscandia.
John Edward Brittain, Jani Heino, Nikolai Friberg, Jukka Aroviita, Maria Kahlert, Satu‐Maaria Karjalainen
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2020 | Freshwater Biology
Meta-analysis of multidecadal biodiversity trends in Europe
Francesca Pilotto, Ingolf Kühn, Rita Adrian, Renate Alber, Audrey Alignier, Christopher Andrews
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2020 | Nature Communications
Impacts of multiple stressors on freshwater biota across spatial scales and ecosystems
Sebastian Birk, Daniel Chapman, Laurence Carvalho, Bryan M. Spears, Hans Estrup Andersen, Christine Argillier
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2020 | Nature Ecology and Evolution
Biodiversity patterns of Arctic diatom assemblages in lakes and streams: Current reference conditions and historical context for biomonitoring
Maria Kahlert, Kathleen M Ruhland, Isabelle Lavoie, Francois Keck, Emilie Saulnier-Talbot, Daniel Bogan
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2020 | Freshwater Biology
Molecular versus morphological data for benthic diatoms biomonitoring in Northern Europe freshwater and consequences for ecological status
Bonnie Bailet, Agnès Bouchez, Alain Franc, Jean-Marc Frigerio, François Keck, Satu Maaria Karjalainen
Vitenskapelig artikkel
2019 | Metabarcoding and Metagenomics